Use interface methods

Interface-methods is a mechanism that the developer platform provides, to enable your app to trigger certain actions on the Freshcaller UI.

Using interface methods an app can, on the Freshcaller UI, display certain UI elements such as Modals, Confirmation boxes, and Notifications.

Global interfaces

An app can display these interfaces/UI elements on any of the Freshcaller pages.

Display modals

To enable your app to display Modals,

  1. From your project’s root, navigate to the app directory and create a <modal or any-reasonable-name>.html file. In this file, enter the code to render the (front-end of the) Modal.

  2. Navigate to the app.js file. Subscribe to the app.initialized event, through an event listener. When the app is initialized, the parent application (the product on which the app is deployed) passes a client reference to the app.

  3. After app initialization, to display a Modal, use the following method:

    client.interface.trigger("showModal", {
      title: "<Modal name>",
      template: "<path to the modal.html file>"

showModal method

The method displays a Modal in an IFrame. Events methods and Interface methods are not supported in a Modal - your app cannot react to click, change, or update events that occur inside a Modal and your app cannot trigger actions on the product UI from the Modal.

Installation parameters, Request method, Data method, and Data storage are supported in modals. If your app uses these methods from modals, in the modal.html file (or in any other equivalent file that you have added), ensure to include the following appclient resource.

<script src="{{{appclient}}}"></script>

Use the Sample code shown on the right pane, to enable your app to display a Modal, as part of the app logic.

You can retrieve the contextual information pertaining to the parent location from where a modal is triggered by using Instance method - Context. You can use the Instance methods - Send and Receive to enable communication between modals and any other app instance.

Display confirmation messages

To enable your app to display standard confirmation-message boxes,

  1. Navigate to the app.js file. Subscribe to the app.initialized event, through an event listener. When the app is initialized, the parent application (the product on which the app is deployed) passes a client reference to the app.
  2. After app initialization, to display a confirmation message with default buttons, use the following method:
    client.interface.trigger("showConfirm", {
      title: "<Confirmation box name>",
      message: "<text message to be displayed seeking confirmation>"

showConfirm method

The method displays a confirmation message box with a title, a message, and the save and cancel buttons. By default, the message box displays the Save and Cancel buttons. You can customize the button names.

Time-out information:Timeout for Confirmation message box is 10s.

Use the Sample code shown on the right pane > Default buttons tab, to enable your app to display a Confirmation message box (with Save and Cancel buttons), as part of the app logic.

Display notifications

To enable your app to display notifications,

  1. Navigate to the app.js file. Subscribe to the app.initialized event, through an event listener. When the app is initialized, the parent application (the product on which the app is deployed) passes a client reference to the app.
  2. After app initialization, to display a notification, use the following method:
    client.interface.trigger("showNotify", {
      type:<Possible values: info, success, warning, danger, alert>,
      title: "<Display name>",
      message: "<text message to be displayed in the notification box>"

showNotify method

The method displays a notification box with a title and notification message (can be an error message, a success message, or a warning message).

Use the Sample code shown on the right pane, to enable your app to display various notification messages, as part of the app logic.