Freshworks Sample Apps
The Freshworks Code Samples are GitHub repositories listed here to provide code snippets for building apps on our Developer Platform. These resources enable you to build apps faster by utilising them. Join along with us! Let’s learn some excellent skills today!
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Say Hello!
In the style of Hello world, the Say Hello app is built to let developers get a flavor of Freshworks Developer Platform, this app works for both Freshdesk and Freshservice. It lets the developer say ‘Hello’ to the product and creates a ticket as a response.
Global Apps Features
Global apps is a term that is used to describe freshworks customers can install an app that works across different Freshworks' products. The modular approach is a term described for developers to think of bulding features (for their apps) tied to functional units (modules) within a product (eg. freshdesk).
App Placeholders
You can use app placeholders to understand where all you can build and render your Freshworks App in the Freshworks product user interface.
App Lifecycle and Configuration page
The FDK enables you to define and use parameters whose values app users can set when they install an app. These parameters are termed installation parameters or iparams. User will input them in configurations pages built with iparams.html or iparams.json
Data Method Samples
You can use data methods to retrieve information about different objects on a page.
Data Storage
A key value based data store your app
Event Method
You can use the events methods to enable apps to react to events that occur in the user interface of a page. The events includes button clicks or changes and updates to field values.
App Setup Events
App setup events are events that occur when an app is installed from the Freshworks Marketplace or updated to the latest version or uninstalled. This app demonstrates how you can use these events in detail
Freddy Copilot Hands-on Workshop
This repo Introduces Freddy Copilot and Freshworks Development Platform. It provides Freddy capabilities, its benefits, and building apps with Freddy with use case list and sample solutions.
Paid Apps Workshop in Chennai
This Repository is created as part of the in-person workshop in Chennai for paid apps enablement.
Paid Apps Workshop in Bangalore
This Repository is created as part of the in-person workshop in Bangalore for paid apps enablement.
End User App Samples
Demonstrates how to use End Users Apps. These are apps that are deployed in a Freshworks-customer’s support portal aka Visitor Apps
Interface Method
You can use the interface methods to enable an app to trigger certain actions on the Freshdesk user interface.
Instance Method
A single app can be present in multiple locations on the same page and may open up one or more modals. These can be thought of as separate instances of the app and can be resized, closed, and communicate with each other.
The Pomodoro technique is a productivity hack. It splits the work time into small segments where each segment is made up of 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes break. By taking small breaks in between 25 short work sessions you can boost your productivity significantly and reduce the risk of being exhausted and unproductive
Request Method
You should use the Request method to avoid exposing sensitive information, such as API keys or user credentials, when you make HTTP requests to third-party domains as agents will be able to inspect these values in a browser and access them.
CTI for Freshdesk
This app demonstrates how you can build a CTI integration app with Freshdesk using the platform features.
Shopify Freshdesk Integration
This app demonstrates integration of Freshdesk with Shopify. This app provides users with 4 options using Shopify API, Fetch Orders, Clear Orders, Fetch customers, clear customers by invoking Shopify APIs in realtime
CTI for Freshsales Suite
This app demonstrates how you can build a CTI integration app with Freshdesk using the platform features.
OAuth Samples
This app creates a task in Asana for every ticket created in Freshdesk. This app demonstrates the features OAuth 2.0 (account level OAuth), Making an API request through Request API using oauth tokens to authenticate, Freshdesk Product event - onTicketCreate and custom installation page
Cron, Webhook, Invoking backend methods, everything serverless!
Octocat App
This app demonstrates integration of Freshworks product with GitHub. It creates a new Github Issue everytime a Freshservice ticket is created.
A UI library to build apps those fit Freshworks Design System. This repository contains code that demonstrates the capabilities of crayons. This code has to be followed up with a tutorial.
Ticket Metrics
This App notifies the agent via an email about few ticket metrics every day on a scheduled time. It demonstrates the usage of App Setup event, to create a scheduled event to trigger the mail notification. A Scheduled event To handle the notification which needs to be sent to agent. The Request Method feature to call the freshdesk-core api for getting details of all the tickets and Installation Parameters
The Freshdesk Trello Integrator
This app improves customer support experience enabling an agent to collaborate easily by creating helpdesk tickets and connecting Trello boards to the Freshdesk help desk platform, improving issue resolution. The agent can now create new Trello cards directly from your Support tickets, from scratch!
Promodoro App
The pomodoro app enables users to schedule work sessions based on the pomodoro technique. It splits the work time into small segments where each segment is made up of 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes break. By taking small breaks in between 25 short work sessions you can boost your productivity significantly and reduce the risk of being exhausted and unproductive.