To submit an External app:
Log in to your Freshworks product account.
Navigate to the corresponding apps gallery. In the Build your own apps section, click Build it yourself. The All Apps page of the Developer portal is displayed.
Navigate to the Neo Admin Center page. In the My Accounts section, click on the developer account (/developer). The All Apps page of the Developer portal is displayed.
Notes:- If multiple accounts are associated with the organization, the Choose an Account window is displayed. Select the account to view the All Apps page for the selected account.
- In the All Apps page, you can switch between the accounts of the organization from the dropdown displayed.
- In the Neo Admin Center page, the developer account (/developer) will be displayed under the My Accounts section only if the developer has navigated to the Developer portal at least once.
The All Apps page
Click New App and select External App. The Create a new app page is displayed.
From Select your App type, select External App.
In the External App section, in the Enter the URL to your app page field, enter the URL to access the app.
In the Name your App field, enter a meaningful name comprising two or three words.
Click the Select Product dropdown and select the product on which the app is to be deployed after installation.
Click Save and Continue. A page for entering the app details is displayed. In the details panel on the left, the following values are auto-populated:
- The app’s name with the app status as Draft.
- The status of the app’s details such as App Information, Media and Installation, Support Details, and Privacy and Security.
- App type: Specifies how an app is available to an app user. Possible App types: Freshworks app (publicly displayed in the Marketplace), Custom app (private only to the customer using the product), External app (listed in an external website).
- App Id
- Last updated: The timestamp of when the app was last modified.
- Link to External App
Ensure that the link to the external app adheres to the following.
- The external app link should be accessible to app users.
- The external app link should preferably contain an installation option.
- The external app link can also contain the app demo or a free trial option.
Draft version of the app
In the main section of the page, click the Supported Products dropdown and select the parent application (the products on which the app is to be deployed after installation). The modules that are supported by the parent application are displayed as module cards in the Select the modules that are relevant for this app section. Each module card displays the name of the module and icons of the products that support the module in a SKU bundle. Select the modules for which the app is to be deployed. Note: By default, the Supported products displays the name of the product supported by the Freshworks account and the Select the modules that are relevant for this app displays the modules that are supported by the product.
App details page
In the main section of the app details page, navigate to the App information tab and update the requisite app display details. Click Save and Continue. The Media and Installation tab is displayed.
Important:- The app submission process is now enhanced by Freddy AI, allowing developers to easily update essential app details. You can describe your app’s problem statements, functionalities, features, and specifications, then click Generate to autofill the Name, Overview, Short Description, Categories, and Subcategories. Multiple suggestions will be provided, giving developers the option to choose from various options.
- Click Regenerate for new suggestions. Additionally, developers can like or dislike each suggestion to refine the results further.
In the Media and Installation tab, update the requisite media, installation, and support details. Click Save and Continue. The Privacy and Security tab is displayed.
In the Privacy and Security tab, answer all the questions regarding the app’s end-user data practices. Click Save to save all the app, media, support, and security details.
To specify the app information in a language other than English (default language), navigate to the Multi-language setup tab and click Add language. A list of languages is displayed. Select the languages in which you want to specify app information and click Add. Sections corresponding to the languages are added. Navigate to each language section and in the fields displayed, enter the appropriate values.
Click Save and Publish, to submit the app for the approval process.
After the app is reviewed and approved, it is listed in the Freshworks Marketplace.
Update an existing External app
When updating an existing external app, Freddy AI can assist by generating new app details and recommending relevant categories and subcategories. If preferred, you can retain your existing content.
To update your app content with Freddy AI, simply copy your current content, paste it into the App information tab, and select Generate. The newly generated content will overwrite the existing content, so it’s advisable for app developers to save the original content for future reference.
Important: Developers of existing apps are encouraged to use the Freddy AI-assisted submission process to update their apps with new categories and content. This can be done until December 2024. After that, the Freshworks Marketplace will begin automatically migrating all apps to the new categories.
App information tab
The app submission process is now enhanced by Freddy AI, allowing developers to easily update essential app details. You can describe your app’s functionalities, features, specifications, and problem statements in the App Display Details section, and then click Generate to autofill the Name, Overview, Short Description, Categories, and Subcategories. Multiple suggestions will be provided, giving developers the option to choose from various options.

For new suggestions, click Regenerate. Additionally, developers can like or dislike each suggestion to refine the results further.

The app display details to be displayed in the Freshworks Marketplace are captured in the following fields:
Field | Description |
Name Mandatory | Enter a name for the app, comprising two to three words. |
Overview Mandatory | Enter an overview of the app’s functionality and features, stating the value that the app imparts to the Freshworks product. Mention any specific use case necessary to support the value proposition. |
Short Description | Enter a brief introduction to the app, not exceeding 100 characters. |
Categories Mandatory | Select the appropriate category to help users filter and find the app in the Marketplace gallery. You can select a maximum of three categories. For more information about the app categories, see App categories. Important: For AI-powered apps, ensure that the Category is selected as AI & Bots. |
Subcategories Mandatory | Select the appropriate subcategory to help users find the more relevant app in the Marketplace gallery. You can select a maximum of two subcategories. For more information about the app subcategories, see App Subcategories. |
- To view the sample rendering of app details in the Freshworks Marketplace, navigate to each section and click Show Example.
- For more information on the Freshworks app building and submission process, refer to the video tutorials, support articles, and FAQ’s in the Help section.
Media and Installation tab
The media and Installation details to be displayed in the Freshworks Marketplace are captured in the following sections:
Field | Description |
Icon Mandatory | Upload an icon to represent the app. Ensure that the logo meets the following requirements.
To replace the uploaded app icon with, click Replace App icon. |
Screenshots | Upload screenshots to illustrate how the app works. Capture different states and process flows to give users a better insight into the app.
Ensure that the screenshots meet the following requirements.
Video link Mandatory | Enter the URL to the YouTube or Vimeo video that explains the app’s use case. The URL should be in the following format:
For more information on the guidelines, see Video link. |
Installation Instruction | When the app is installed, if specific user actions are required, enter the instructions as a sequential list. |
Support Details
Field | Description |
Support Email Mandatory | Enter the email address that users can use to contact you in case of any queries regarding the app. |
Support URL Mandatory | Enter the URL to any location where users can find more information about the app. |
Alternate Email Mandatory | Enter the email address that Freshworks can use to contact you, when the app is under review. |
Hide from gallery | Set the toggle key to on state, to hide the app from the Marketplace apps gallery. After the app is published successfully, in the app details page, an App Sharing Settings section is displayed. This section facilitates generating a shareable link for your app and enables you to provide selective access to your app. |
- To view the sample rendering of app details in the Freshworks Marketplace, navigate to each section and click Show Example.
- For more information on the Freshworks app building and submission process, refer to the video tutorials, support articles, and FAQ’s in the Help section.
Privacy and Security tab
The details of how the app is utilizing the end-user's information is captured as answers to the questionnaire.
During app submission, ensure that all questions regarding the app’s end-user data practices are updated with complete transparency. Also, ensure that
For AI-powered apps, ensure that the Category is selected as AI and select Yes for AI/GenAI question. Also, it is mandatory to indicate whether they comply with Freshwork's AI-powered features and Freddy AI terms. Once the app is published on the Freshworks marketplace, this will ensure that the app displays a Verified by Freshworks badge.
Note: AI powered apps that are non-compliant with Freshwork's AI-powered features and Freddy AI terms will display a Not governed by Freshworks Freddy AI badge.
If your app collects, processes, or stores end-user information, provide details on the information collected, processed, or stored, its purpose, and the countries where it is stored. The purpose for collecting, processing, or storing the data (for example, for ticket creation, summary generation, and so on) should be provided as a short description.
If your app shares information with any third-party entities, ensure to provide the name and domain of the entity, countries where the entity stores the data, and the purpose for sharing the information. Up to five external domain URLs can be declared.
Mention whether end-user information is encrypted both at rest and in transit, and specify if it can be accessed via app logs or exported.
Acknowledge and specify if the app adheres to Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) security standards.
Mention whether the app transfers European Economic Area (EEA) residents’s End-User Data outside of the EEA and mention the transfer mechanism that governs those transfers.
Confirm whether the app permanently deletes end-user data automatically on app uninstallation. If the app data is not deleted, share details of the retention period, specifying a range from minimum to maximum days.
Confirm if your app allows customers to request for a custom data retention period.